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Selectmen Minutes March 29, 2004
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, March 29, 2004 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Clerk; David L. Walsh
George Samia, Interim Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel
Robert Kerwin, Town Counsel
Not Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman
Finance Committee members present: Peter Hamilton, Robert Coulter, Eric Glaas, John Margie, Albert Mondeau, Sally Feeney.
Mr. Greene noted that Mr. Hardy would not be present tonight as he was away on business.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to appoint Eric W. Greene Chairman pro-tem for the evening.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to appoint David Walsh, Clerk pro-tem for the evening.
Budget Presentation
S.E. Regional Vocation-Technical School Supt. James Hager and Patrick Mahar, Business Manager presented the FY2005 Budget for the Regional School. Budget information packet was given to the Board and Finance Committee. Mr. Hager explained the various line items.
Discussion was held regarding how the member communities assessment is figured and the state formula equation; transportation costs; cost per pupil. It was noted that the increase in salaries was held at 2%; last year 24 positions were lost in order to level fund the budget.
Mr. Hager noted that the Regional Schools owns and operates their own buses and that the buses are available to member communities at a nominal charge.
Mr. Hager also noted that the Regional School’s students built the tables and desks in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room and that they are about completed on the construction of the second floor meeting room. Also noted that the students are completing a new space at the School for the District Office, which should be completed by the fall.
Glenn Tattrie and Peter Hamilton, members of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee met with the board and went over the several projects that they are recommending for placement on the town meeting warrant.
Mr. Tattrie explained that their committee had looked at 7 projects and had voted to place 4 projects, which were emergency needs on the warrant as follows:
Highway Department – trucks - $220,000
School Department – High School Boiler - $365,000
Cafeteria Mold Removal - $91,944
Fire Department – Protective Equipment - $35,000
The three projects, which are not recommended for this year are:
School Department – High School paving - $346,000
Technical Upgrades - $300,000
Fire Department – Station Renovations - $750,000
Board of Selectmen -2- March 29, 2004
Discussion was held on the Debt Service, amounts coming off over the next two years.
Mr. Tattrie reported that the committee had met with the Water Department relative to several articles that they are submitting for the town meeting warrant, which will be funded through the system development account and the surplus account.
Mr. Tattrie stated that the committee would give their report on projects on town meeting floor.
Budget Presentation
Frank Savino, Treasurer/Collector presented his budget explaining the contractual increases, reductions, etc. Noted that he had cut legal – tax title counsel to level fund budget. Has increased fees for tax lien certificates to $50.00; has one part-time employee who works on these certificates.
Explained the lock-box system at bank and how payments are downloaded daily to the Collector’s computer; explained process used for tax title court cases.
Mr. Savino reported that he has learned that the health insurance for town employees was not as large an increase as expected; increase is about 11.5%. Discussed with Board other employee benefits and county retirement.
Also discussed debt service, town hall computer expense that includes town’s home page run by Virtual Town Hall, bulk tax title sales and land court process and costs.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of March 22, 2004 meeting.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, for purpose of discussion, move to approve the renewal of the Common Victualer – Wine & Malt License for New England Kart Raceway dba F1 Outdoor Kart Racing Complex, 798 North Bedford Street.
Mr. Glen Winer, a resident of Captain’s Way, requested that the Board not issue the renewal and expressed concerns with the noise problems, hours of operation, expansion of property, location of new buildings. Stated that he knew of persons tailgating at the premises.
Board explained that there have been no liquor violations at the premises. Suggested that if there is tailgating at the premises, the police should be notified.
A lengthy discussion was held regarding Mr. Winer’s complaints relative to issuance of the renewal of the liquor license.
VOTE – Yes – Greene, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Open Forum
No one present
Letter from Friends of Sachem Rock – Board will invite them to a meeting to discuss
Mr. Walsh stated that the Board had successfully negotiated a contract with George Samia for the position of Town Administrator. Stated that Mr. Samia has done well by the Town; has agreed to a two year freeze on his salary. Has agreed to assist new Town Accountant when hired. Explained that there is also an addendum to the contract for a stipend to act as Town Accountant through December, 2004. Noted that all members of the Board have reviewed the contract and are in agreement with it.
Board of Selectmen -3- March 29, 2004
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing a contract with George Samia for the position of Town Administrator for the period of March 29, 2004 to June 30, 2008 and an addendum effective March 29, 2004 through December 31, 2004, for additional stipend for duties and responsibilities pertaining to the Accounting Office operations.
Mr. Samia and the Board members signed the contract.
Mr. Samia thanked the many individuals who have supported him.
Hazardous Waste Day – May 8, 2004 at Thatcher Street BFI site
Town Administrator Report
Lipinski request to lease Leland Farm land for farming purposes – has spoken to Mr.
Lipinski and he is still interested; explained the process town must follow.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation issues and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Greene, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Board of Selectmen